About Me

Hi, I am Lola, a person who needs to feel truly aligned to be able to function properly, and this is why I can say that I don’t just like my work; I am simply passionate about it.

The key to effective support lies in the therapeutic relationship between you and your counsellor.

Perhaps learning a bit about me will help you determine whether you’d like to connect.

My name is Lola Rozan (she/her), and I am a Counsellor registered with the Association of Cooperation Counselling Therapists of Canada (ACCT) and the Canadian Professional Counsellors Association (CPCA).

I am also:

  • A good friend, someone who connects easily with others, and a helper.

  • A person who has travelled extensively all around the world from a very young age, and therefore I really enjoy being in a multicultural environment.

  • A nature lover.

  • Someone who has been in a long-term committed relationship. My partner and I, along with his 21-year-old daughter, are family.

  • A lifelong learner who always seeks to acquire knowledge of new things through reading, studying, and participating in workshops or events.

  • Originally from Paris, France, and have made Vancouver, Canada my home since 2011.

  • A therapist who offers counselling services in-person or online, in English or French.

When I share what I have been through, people often seem surprised. Those who know me well describe me as a very positive person with a good sense of humour; but at the same time, I am not someone who will pretend things are great when they are not. It was a difficult road to find my smiling, authentic self again. The key is that I had to work on myself to be where I am today, and I didn’t do it alone.  Throughout my life experience, I realized how transformative counselling can be.

After gaining invaluable experience in providing mental health support and being part of the team at one of Vancouver's most esteemed clinics, Alpine Counselling Clinic, I felt inspired to take a leap of faith and embark on my own entrepreneurial journey.

I came to counselling with over 20 years of experience in previous careers in customer care, teaching, training, massage therapy, mindfulness and yoga. My years of experience in the wellness industry allow me to provide you with the skills to work holistically on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. They are all interconnected.

Qualifications & Additional Trainings

Registered with:

ACCT, Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists of Canada (RTC)

CPCA, Canadian Professional Counsellors Association (RPC-C)

Counselling & Life Coaching Qualifications:

Somatic Experiencing International (Vancouver)

IFS (Internal Family System) - Stepping Stone: with IFSCA

Brainspotting (BSP), Canadian Prairies Institute For Midbrain Therapies

Professional Counsellor Diploma, Rhodes Wellness College: British Columbia

Certified Wellness Counsellor, Rhodes Wellness College, British Columbia

Certified Life Skills Coach, Rhodes Wellness College,British Columbia

Wellness Qualifications 

Yin Yoga Teacher Training, Bernie Clark and Diana Batts, British Columbia

Deep Flow Foundation, Mylèna

200-hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training, Awakened Life School of Yoga, Bali

Spa Therapy Diploma including Body and Mind Integration, Vancouver School of Healing Arts, British Columbia

Learning experience through the Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program

As Heard On

Access the Radio-Canada, ICI Colombie-Britannique replay here on Facebook or here on radio-canada.ca in French while I discuss why holiday time can be a difficult time to get through.

Accédez à la rediffusion de Radio-Canada, ICI Colombie-Britannique ici sur Facebook ou ici sur radio-canada.ca en français pendant que j'explique pourquoi la période des Fêtes peut être une période difficile à traverser.

“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”

— Dalai Lama